Friday, August 17, 2012

Monday, 6th August 2012: The 1st Day of Cambodia Relief Mission '12

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful, Cambodia Relief Mission '12 began..

It was the day we finally departed to Cambodia after about 9 months of preparations. As arranged, we met in front of the international departure gate at LCCT to distribute all the essential equipments between us. Upon arrival at Phnom Penh Airport, we have been approached by Brother Hassan Mao, a representative from IMAC. We were also joined by his two colleagues, Brother Hafiz and Brother Tarmizi who can speak Indonesian and English fluently. We were then brought to Puncak Hotel before we had our first Iftar in Cambodia at D’Nyonya, a Malaysian Restaurant. 

Our hotel in Phnom Penh, Puncak Hotel

Just arrived the hotel. Everyone looked excited! :O
While waiting for the meal, we had a short and warm Ta’ruf with the brothers. Brother Hassan told us a very interesting, yet a heart-breaking background of child education in Cambodia. We learned that some Cambodian youngsters were discouraged by their parents from finishing their school education because they do not see the importance of higher education to their lives as farmers. Hence Brother Hassan stressed that this is the ‘mindset’ IMAC is trying to change.

CRM '12 crew with Brother Hafiz, Brother Tarmizi and Brother Hassan

The time had finally came for the meal of the day! It was the heart-shaped Nasi Goreng Kampung :D

Our day ended with Solat Tarawih at a nearby local mosque. At the mosque, we felt very welcomed with the friendliness of the Cambodians. To our surprise, most of them could speak a bit of Malay Language. I could remember that at least each of us was approached by a Cambodian and the sweetest thing is, there was one girl called us “pretty girls”..hehehe.  

To conclude, I would like to quote the verse from Al-Quran about Muslim Brotherhood, and not to forget Sisterhood in Islam.
"The believers are but brethren, therefore make peace between your brethren and be careful of (your duty to) Allah that mercy may be had on you." [49:10]

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