Friday, April 27, 2012


Assalamualaikum and Hi all :)

A little updates on CRM'12. 

Alhamdulillah, around 1000USD has been collected through charity sales, personal and online donations and other forms of fundraising activities. Many thanks to those who have contributed and may Allah bless and reward all of you amin~!

The team is also currently actively seeking for sponsorship from various companies and individuals as the project still need a decent amount of money to be carried out i.e 5780USD. InsyAllah all the money collected will be translated into:
1. Medical supplies
2. Books & other educational materials
3. Hygiene essentials
4. Food (eg formula milk) & clothing supplies
5. Mosquito nets (due to high prevalence of malaria in Cambodia) 

                              Our poster: now also available at Education Malaysia website :)                                                                                                                           

We also would like to highlight that insyAllah since the relief mission this year will be carried out during Ramadhan Al-Mubarak, we are having an Iftar Campaign where

For only 2 pound/euro worth of donation, you can help treat an orphan for a full iftar


For 1 pound/euro, you can help the children explore the world from new books/stationaries 

For 5 pound/euro, you can help cover the cost for circumcision of a boy OR help the underprivileged to get their basic medical checkup & medications

We also very much welcome any feedback, comments or suggestion. May Allah's rewards and blessings be with you  amin. Selamat menderma!Ikhlaskan niat :)

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