Monday, July 23, 2012


We pray to Almighty Allah that the post finds you in the best of Iman and Health.

First of all, we are really sorry with the lack of updates for these couple of months as we are all busy with our studies and personal matters.  But worry not, that doesn't mean that the mission has gone cold.
Our team has been working hard in finding sponsors and donations to make the mission a successful one.
We are very grateful and blessed to receive responses from a handful of organizations that see the relief mission as a good platform to distribute their donation to our Brothers & Sisters in need in Cambodia.
Let me present to you our fellow contributors;

An-Nur Specialist Hospital has kindly provided us with medical equipments for our mission.
RM 10,000 has been donated for our cause by Sultan Iskandar Foundation
Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre, KL has donated RM 5,000

and lastly, not to be forgotten, PAL Shipping Malaysia which has sponsored BOOKS,CLOTHES and EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENTS to the Cambodians.
We would like to extent our deepest gratitude to our dearest and biggest donaters, for without them, the mission would be just a dream. May ALLAH the Almighty reward and shower them with His blessings, Amin.
'till the next post, keep up with the great work, team!

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